Uncommon Sense

May 25, 2008

No winter lasts forever

Filed under: life,value,winter — Derek @ 6:55 am
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As I awoke this morning to the stillness of the farm, my family all still soundly asleep, there was a song running in my head that I have not heard in a long long time.

When I was a youngster, I was introduced to the music of John Denver by a friend, and this song was one I particularly enjoyed. It was called “Summer” and it spoke of appreciation for life and being thankful just for being here. Life was so much simpler then, and it was a time of fun and laughter, punctuated with heartbreak that never seemed to hold me back, just brief pauses in the headlong rush that is life at nineteen.

“Do you care what’s happening around you, do your senses know the changes when they come?”

Change has never been a problem for me; I have welcomed it, always ready for (more…)

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